We did have a lovely time - full of noise, wrapping paper, a bit more noise, family, food, fun, photos, yet more food, visits and leaving.
As my lovely son and his family left on Tuesday morning, only he ventured into my darkened bedroom to kiss me farewell due to the rampant germs swirling about the place. I had contracted gastric-enteritis on Monday, ugh! As I had done/eaten/been nothing or nowhere different to my husband, except visiting a cafe loo, it must have been something I picked up by hand, at that place. My constitution is rubbish (I would have said 'shit' but that is a pun just too far) and I catch this kind of thing so easily.
Lately, I have found that I can no longer take coffee, butter, more than one or two pieces of chocolate or anything too fatty, at all. I put it down to either the 'old age and poverty' my ma-in-law has always quoted, or possibly the amount of medication I still have to throw down my neck several times each day. Lord, just never let it be tea, or I will slit my throat.
Anyways, back to those lovely children of mine (who, by the way, I still blame for the baby fat I carry around.) They give me such pleasure at the way they are. I was going to elaborate. To tell of the way they parent their beautiful children; the way they make the effort to travel to see us; the way they care about how we are, make sure we're not over-doing it. But, you'll realise I don't even need to put it into words.
Don't get me wrong - they are not perfect, by any means, they are human, as we all are. And, this has never been a space where I just write the sugar-coated stuff, that is the stuff of those 'round-robin' Christmas letters!
But, we've just spent some time together, all cloistered in our too-small home, some on z or camp beds; some who will only eat 'nanny's soup' believing it is just made of tomatoes, when in fact it has bacon, lentils and good-for-you vegetables, whizzed up and hidden in it (this said person does eat meat, including pork); all the 'adults' go outside for a fag (cigarette) in the snowy, foggy weather, despite my admonitions about the filthy habit, that will surely kill them off yet none of us drink alcohol, and all eat too much chocolate (except me now, bah).
I am enjoying this break between Christmas and New Year, if only to catch up. As ever, I have knitting and sewing to do, and ideas to get down on paper for my course, a dreaded tax return, some reports to complete, as well as professional registration and checks I have to do every three years. So, I shall be stuck to my desk for a few of those days, at least!
Ah, there is also the necessity for a hairdressers appointment for a three year old who, left in dad's care today, found the baby nail scissors and cut off some of her hair!