Monday 17 May 2010

When I 'come out'

Ooh, now it has happened.  I need to 'come out' locally, that is, to friends who I have been helping to learn how to start they're own blog. 

I have really been enjoying taking these workshops - and another friend has found others who want me to show them how to do this, as well! 

However, since I have the privilage of knowing others' blog details (though they can delete these and start new ones elsewhere, for privacy) it seems a bit silly to hold out the information about my own.  I have warned people, though, that they might see stuff on my own blog they may not like - such as swear words and/or views they may not agree with.  And, I suppose this goes for you as well, dear reader.  If you don't like it, you can use one of those little pinkies and click away from the page, ma'am!

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