Tuesday 20 March 2007

Bitz a News

Not an awful lot to report today. Wee black dog pining for Mr T - looking like a little lost poor child all about the place. As well as running away, around to see Mr & Mrs Farmers' dogs and pesterin' the life out of them 'cos they live in kennels and she doesn't. And helpfully getting me into my coat, hat and wellies again this morning, whilst still wearing my pj's (me not the wee dog.) And, the snow's still here, though it has stopped snowing, but it is bloody cooooold!

Best Bit: one of my Bessy Mates is coming up to stay for a week in April, Hurrah! And, the Farmers have agreed we can help them with the lambing. But, I shall have to stay away from pregnant Freaky Friday due to a toximoses thingy. Luckily, she will be away for most of this visit ... which show all things work out somehow, don't they?

And, apparently the Proclaimers got into the pop charts at no 35 this week - on downloads alone. People preferred the real one to the karioke one that Peter Kay and Matt Lucas did for RND. Um, while I did enjoy the RND one, I, um did download the

Proclaimers Best of album via i-Tuns. And it is Great!

O, and my bloody cold is back. How ^ery dare it!!

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