We did enjoy the evening, and met several people who are on, or have used, the weightwatchers diet plan. So, we're fixed to definitely go on Thursday. The raised their eyebrows a bit when I commented that, as I'd bought the magazine, and joined the GMTV diet thingy, I should have lost weight already. But, apparently, it doesn't work like that, there is a little more to it!
I am still wading through the students' reports, and am so looking forward to getting right down to the sewing and knitting I have piling up around the place. I am looking at the moment, for a Husqvana embroidery sewing machine on the old fleaBay, and will keep checking each day to see what comes up, locally. This seems to be the one that gives me everything I'm looking for - sturdy and tough, plenty of room for rolling up quilts to sew, the embroidery stitches I would love to use for embellishing, and probably more stuff that I know what to do with, yet!
I am desperate to get into more of the sewing of clothes (Wow, this looks really interesting, Nikki's Tulip Dress Pattern, here and, she's hosting a giveaway, too!) as well as the embroidery. I also got a lino cutting tool for a Christmas pressie, so will deffo be looking at printing.... but, that's a whole other area! I have been going to an oil painting workshop, a short, five week, course, and am so surprised at the lovely paintings I've produced so far - except the 'Pheasant' one! It's head is too large, and it has an oyster catcher's beak, but the tail feathers are wonderful! When I bring it home, I may post a piccie of just the feathers, the rest is crap!
Ahhhh don't worry, I'm sure the pheasant looks good to everyone else! That sewing machine sounds very clever, I think I would probably be even more terrified of that one than the normal ones ;)
Oh and dieting, urrggghhh. I was quite good over Christmas and have put on about half a stone since *blush*
Mel xxx
Hi Shabby Chick, I have been eating EveryThing since it was deffo WW on Thursday, gawd know what I shall weigh in at!
No, the pheasant is bad.
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