By gum, I am v. fat, v. unfit and v. untrained, but managed to complete the Race for Life in Perth on Sunday.
Though I had been warned that it would be an emotional day, I found myself overcome with tears. This was at the beginning as we pushed off; during the walk, while looking at others' back labels; and then at the end when we finally hobbled through the finishing arc.
What a wonderful outing it was. Nanny's best Girl and Lolly Dolly-pop came too and helped, assisted by Mr T and the girls' parents.
I can't thank enough the people who sponsored me - what a wave of good feeling and support it has been.
And, I shall definitely be doing it again next year. And, of course, I shall be thinner and fitter. Like every (next) year.
Well done!!!
My Mum, my eldest daughter and myself are doing ours this Sunday but the playing fields where it is scheduled to be are rather sodden at present so unsure that it will still go ahead.
You are very tall.
I am also very tall, but in a shorter way.
Congratulations!! Very well done indeed!
headless chicken: GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!!
funny thing: i'm only 5' 7" - actually the smallest in my family, who call me 'munchkin' gits!
kate 1976: Thank You!
Good for you!
well done you.
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